CITS Has a unique Contract Services offering. This is what we call an Elevated Services Contract. The chief features of this offering are listed below:
1. Your system is guaranteed to be in full functioning order at all
times. 2. We train your people fully to take care of all routine problems. 3. For all other problems you use the service to the extent you need
it. So there are no annual or monthly huge sums to pay to a vendor or
contractor. 4. We take the guess work or the insurance factor out of the equation
altogether. You pay for the failures only not an insurance
premium for covering possible failures which may never occur. 5. For all modification and changes to your system we charge only the
actual cost of the service and materials. Here is the full text of the service Contract.
It is simple, uncomplicated and gets the job done. No frightening legal
rigmaroles and no excuses. Just plain Service and work. No big
company hair splitting and "exceptions to the exceptions" traps. Please call me today. I can set you up in one day and get you the piece
of mind you deserve. Riaz Hussain (651)646-2476 (651)442-9044 Mobile |