FREE! after rebate...3-in-1 Flash Card Reader built into an Optical Mouse

Chieftec - Dragon - Sky Blue Mid-Tower Case with Solid Side, USB and FireWire Ports, and Side Exhaust Fan - Supports AT / BAT / ATX / MATX MainboardsP3 Direct / Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz / 1GB / 40GB / DVD/CD-RW Combo / 14.1   sys_sq_button

Sony VAIO / Pentium-M 4 1.8GHz / 256MB DDR / 30GB / DVD-CDRW Combo / 15 Antec - SLK3700 - Bronze Mid-Tower Case with 350 Watt Power Supply and Front Media Ports - Supports ATX Mainboards 

Ultra RTS-C24 Celeron Pro PC FREE! (after rebate) 11mbps Wireless Card

FREE! (after rebate) 802.11b Wireless USB Adapter

memory_sq_button  printer_sq_button  

 Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE3 Notebook (900-MHz Pentium III, 256 MB RAM, 20 GB hard drive)

