policies & procedures Section 1 Definitions Section 2 The Training Organization Section 3 Section 4 Responsibility and Control Section 5 Course Completion Requirements Section 6 Learning Environment and Support Systems Section 7 Needs Analysis Section 8 Training Options Section 9 Planning and Instructional Personnel Section 10 Content and Instructional Methods Section 11 Assessment of Learning Outcomes Section 12 Post-event Learning Section 13
section 1 Definitions references
(1) All directives issued by the Training Systems Director, that enhance and elucidate the policy document described herein; see Training Directives Document.
(2) All directives from the CITS President that are specifically addressed or copied to the Training Systems director and to CITS course developers, instructors, and support staff; see Presidents directives.
Purpose of CITS Policies & Procedures (Training)
To develop, deliver, control, and manage Training Systems for HVAC industry per the 10-criteria policy of IACET.
(1) The C.I.T.S. Policies and Procedures (Training) shall apply to all instructors, course managers, course developers, and the Director of Training Services Division.
(2) The policy on a section or provision thereof may also apply to C.I.T.S. support staff if specifically spelled out in the same.
section 2 THE training organization
(1) The Director of C.I.T.S. Training Services Division, herein after referred to as the Director, shall create, maintain, and assume the continuing responsibly for the same and shall be so designated and shall be the focal point of control for all C.I.T.S. Training Services Division's activities and services.
(2) NATURE: TSD is a purely training unit with no other purpose. The division focuses on developing, testing, and delivering training curricula for the Automation Control Industry and other customers.
(3) Role of C.I.T.S. TSD Modern small, medium, and large commercial and industrial buildings/complexes/campuses have diverse mechanical systems to provide comfortable environments for the occupants on a controlled/programmed basis. These mechanical systems tend to be so large that they require computerized automation systems to control and optimize them. There is a whole industry that provides, installs, programs, and operates these computerized automation systems. Honeywell, Johnson Controls, and Siemens are large players in this business. CITS training services division acquires, tests, and studies these computerized automation systems and develops training programs to address such diverse needs as engineering/re-engineering programming, operation, and maintenance/repair of the same.
(4) Purpose of C.I.T.S. TSD Although CITS TSD is capable of delivering training requirements of the entire Building Automation Industry, the organization aims at delivering the said training and related Services specifically for Honeywell Building Automation Control Systems. Honeywell is one of the leading forces in this industry.
(5) Corporate Information Technology Services Training Services Division.
(6) The Director of Training
6.1 NATURE: TSD is a purely training unit with no other purpose. The division focuses on developing, testing, and delivering training curricula for the Automation Control Industry and other customers.
6.2 A current up to date chart shall be maintained continuously by the Director and shall be available as Exhibit 1 in this document.
(7) Mission
7.1 The overall mission is to empower the Building Automation Control Industry customers to trouble shoot, maintain, and operate their purchased Automation systems effectively and optimally with their own manpower resources, wherever possible. Understandably this goal must also lead to the eventual engineering/re- engineering/ programming/installation/modification but not manufacturing, of purchased automation systems on part of the industry customers and is therefore, the ultimate goal of CITS Training Services Division. Director shall design and maintain an organization chart for TSD to implement the C.I.T.S. criteria via the Job Description tool for each entity/person in the organization chart.
7.2 The CITS TSD supports the above mission statement by preparing customers to take charge of their purchased systems.
7.3 CITS TSD also provides training to Automation Industry Providers so that their personnel also support the 2- tiered objective above at each level of their service work for their customers.
7.4 Customer Independence is the expected outcome of all CITS Service/Support/Training functions. CITS Training Services Division supports the overall 2-tiered goal in a direct and evident manner.
(8) Training Resources
8.1 The Director shall create, maintain, and provide a C.I.T.S. Training Services Bulletin that shall have a list of all C.I.T.S. current offerings.
8.2 The offerings in (8.1) shall clearly and evidently demonstrate control and support of all offerings by C.I.T.S. TSD.
8.3 The Bulletin in (8.1) shall be available in printed form at no charge and shall be available on the official C.I.T.S. website CEYETS.com
8.4 The Director shall maintain a simple process to demonstrate control of continuing education/training by C.I.T.S. TSD.
DeltaNet Excel Plus System Block Diagram
Peer Bus O XBS-i Bus Console Gateway ** Interface ** Board*
R7044 Controller controller
FS90 FS90 + Fire Monitoring Panel (Programmable) + + + HVAC Control Panel (Programmable) + * Technical Interface Device ** Technical Information Processor O Front End PC for Operator The entire system is supported by a system of Training Classes as follows: 1. Operator Classes 2. Hardware Classes 3. Intermediate Data Entry Classes 4. Programming/Engineering Classes This system of training classes is applied in all automation systems that CITS TSD supports. The class system is typically addressed to a particular module in an automation system block diagram. The Engineering classes are exceptions to this, since they address a particular system block diagram as a whole. For the example system Block Diagram the CITS TSD Training System is comprised of the classes detailed below. The official CITS TSD class outlines for each are attached. These are also available on the official Website at CEYETS.com
OPERATOR CLASSES CITS1001 Covers the R7044 controller hardware, maintenance, troubleshooting, and service. Also covers the operation of the same. Also covers the operation of the same. CITS2101 Operation of the system running front-end XBS-i software
INTERMEDIATE DATA ENTRY CLASSES CITS2102 Covers the creation, modification, and maintenance of custom system graphics that resides or will reside on the front-end front-end.
ENGINEERING/SERVICE CLASSES CITS2103 Covers the System Engineering of point files in an R7044 controller and the text database in the gateway. CITS2104 Covers the DeltaNet Pascal programming language which is used to implement custom programming functions in an R7044 an R7044 CITS5001 Advanced class for System Engineers for the entire system
section 4 RESPONSIBILITY and CONTROL The review process is conducted biannually to measure the training systems being administered against the 10 criteria of IACET. This is done through a 2-stage process. First process involves the incorporation of IACET criteria into the CITS Policies and Procedures for Training Services Division. This often requires the fine tuning of the said policies and procedures. The last go beyond the criteria and require the incorporation of policies that reflect the requirements of CITS Training Criteria. The second process relates to the actual implementation of CITS TSD Policies and Procedures. The first process produces an Excel Spreadsheet that finds, creates, incorporates and/or identifies the Policies and Procedures that reflect each of the IACET criteria and elements thereof. This spreadsheet is called the C.I.T.S. IACET Criteria Incorporation Report. This sheet is dated and signed by the reviewing committee and is contained in the Official CITS Register of IACET Criteria Corporation. The second process produces 3 spreadsheets that show the actual implementation of IACET criteria. This is done in 3 ways:
(1) By a random selection of a class and investigation of its creation/modification/administration. This produces a spreadsheet.
(2) By a random selection of an instructor and then an interview process to ensure that IACET criteria were met in the most recent class. This also produces a spreadsheet.
(3) By selecting a random learner and then an interview process that follows up on a recent class. This produces the third spreadsheet.
A copy thereof is supplied to the Instructor responsible for the class. He/she completes the implementation process by signing the reports. The documentation produced is then filed in CITS Register of IACET Criteria. Samples of all of these sheets are added. See Exhibit #3
The person responsible for the review process are as follows:
Training Specialist: Riaz Hussain President: Catherine Hussain
Riaz Hussain: B.A. Honors Government College, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan M.A. Honors University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan (Economics) M.A. Honors University of Minnesota - Advanced Training in Mathematics, Computer Science, & Statistics at the Ph.D course work level
(1) It is a requirement in the job description of each instructor and support person to ensure that IACET criteria are fully understood, implemented, and supported in all their activities at CITS. The job descriptions are attached.
(2) The review process in 2.1 is attended and participated in by each employee of CITS. This is also in the job description attached herewith.
section 5 Course Completion Requirements 5.1 Each class shall have a determinate number of Laboratory Exercises and Review Sheets to verify student learning. 5.2 The Laboratory Exercises and Review Sheets shall be developed and tested by the course manager(s) or other assignees and shall be maintained in the official text book for each training class.
5.3 The official master of each text book in 5.2 shall be maintained and controlled by the training support staff in the office of the Director of Training.
5.4 Each instructor shall determine the students who have met the C.I.T.S. requirements for each particular training session. Such students shall be identified to the Training Registrar for dispatch of CEU awards. The Registrar shall ensure that students failing to meet the requirements are informed to that effect.
5.5 The registrar shall maintain all student records and shall control releasing of all information subject to C.I.T.S. Policies and Procedures Manual.
5.6 Each student record shall be a cumulative record of each student class activity with C.I.T.S. and shall have the following information minimally:
A) C.I.T.S. official name C.I.T.S. Training Services Division B) Student name and identifier C) Official class title(s) descripti9on as in the official C.I.T.S. Training Services Bulletin D) Class start and class end dates E) The number of CEUs granted including the formula to arrive at the CEUs awarded
5.7 The C.I.T.S. CEUs shall be calculated as follows:
Step one Determine class duration in hours from the Official Bulletin. Call it X
Step two Determine the amount of time in hours used for student introductions, administrative details and talks if any, by a person introducing the instructor or other activity. This time element should be determined from the instructor report filed with the Registrar and is an integral part of the particular event (class) file. Call this number X intro. Typically X1 should be one hour or less.
Step three Determine the lunch hour time from the instructor report. This can vary from class site to class site but typically will be 1/2 hour per class day. Call this number Xlunch
Step four Determine the extra break times, if any, from the instructor report. Unless otherwise indicated in the class report, this number is 1/2 hour per class day. Call this number Xbreak
Step five Determine if extra class time was used in addition to the official duration of the class This will be in the class report. Call this number Xextra
Then the CEU for a particular event are:
CEU= (X + Xextra) - (Xintro + Xlunch + Xbreak) /10
Example: CITS1008 Class duration from bulletin = 24 hours Administrative details = 01 hours Breaks = 1/4 hours Lunches = 1 hours Extra = 0 hours
Total contact hours = 24 - 1 - 1-1/4 - 1 = 24 - 3-1/4 = 24-3/4 ~ 21
(Note: Round to a lower hour if ending in a 1/2 hour or less, round to higher hour if ending in more than 1/2 hour)
CEUs = 20/10 = 2 C.I.T.S. CEUs
Remark: If a student misses more than 1/4 hour of this CEU amount, the CEUs cannot be granted.
section 6 learning environment and support systems
6.1 Given the technical nature of C.I.T.S. training each subject matter expert will be assigned one or more systems for training systems development.
6.2 The expert shall determine a system Block Diagram for each system indicating the flow of information to/from each module in the diagram.
6.3 To be able to do 6.1 and 6.2 the subject matter expert shall have at least 2 years experience under the direct supervision of another subject matter expert, the coach assigned.
6.4 The expert shall determine from the Diagram 6.1 and 6.2 the relevant piece(s) that merit training curriculum.
6.5 For each curriculum the instructor shall use the following criteria:
Each piece(s) of training in 6.4 shall require at least 40 different command activities to work with or to make it to do it's specified tasks. These activities shall be such that their order of execution or other aspect is not obvious or that the corresponding manufacturers manual is in the nature of a reference and not a functional guide. In other words the relevant piece(s) require some guidance for their use (and hence some training).
6.6 Piece(s) that fail test in 6.5 shall not have determined curricula on C.I.T.S. Bulletin of classes but the same may be developed upon request.
6.7 C.I.T.S. training shall be in depth, complete hands-on training. No homework techniques shall be used. All work must be finished in the allotted class time. For each training event no less than 4 working stations shall be provided. This number is based on extensive effective training C.I.T.S. has provided. The founder Riaz Hussain is the author of this. The said training stations shall be set up by the relevant instructor/course coordinator to support the training objectives in their entirety.
6.8 The relevant instructor/course coordinator shall have the capability to configure/reconfigure the said stations if necessary to do so. For example if less than 8 students are in class or more than 8 have to be accommodated (not to exceed 12) upon special request (not to be encouraged).
6.9 Put down class requirements guidelines here exhibit #7.
6.10 These class-learning environments are based on the extensive effective training C.I.T.S. has provided. The founder Riaz Hussain is the author of these requirements.
6.11 Each student shall be given an official manual designed specifically for the learning event in question. All reference material used in class shall be available to the student throughout the duration of the class. Instructor may schedule special function sessions to go over other relevant training available and new systems coming online.
6.12 For classes on C.I.T.S. premises the C.I.T.S. technical library shall be accessible free of charge but not for copying or moving out of the C.I.T.S. premises.
6.13 C.I.T.S. official class manuals shall not be available for purchase without registering for the particular relevant class. The same are available with class registration and there is no extra charge.
section 7 needs analysis 7.1 The director shall place a system in place for collecting objective needs data. Minimally the system will use the existing database of customers and additionally potential customers.
7.2 The collection system in 7.1 shall particularly target Honeywell customers and Honeywell branch personnel. A database shall be maintained of all Honeywell branch contacts by the Training Services Directors office. This database shall be proprietary to C.I.T.S.
7.3 A separate database shall be maintained for C.I.T.S. customers by the C.I.T.S. Directors Office and shall be proprietary to C.I.T.S.
7.4 A special questionnaire shall be used to gather training needs. The C.I.T.S. TSD Director shall create and maintain this questionnaire and the corresponding database.
7.5 Training needs shall be collected at least once a year.
7.6 Current students and potential students may also be called for needs data.
7.7 Each Instructor or other person may directly access needs data from a customer or a Honeywell branch contact directly.
7.8 The needs data shall be reviewed by the entire C.I.T.S. TSD management staff and senior instructors at least once every six months. The recommendations, if any, shall be compiled and transferred to the senior instructors or coaches for course development or change existing curricula.
7.9 Student feedback at the end of each training event shall be a major source for needs data and shall be entered into the database referred to above.
7.10 The needs data documentation, maintenance, and review shall be the responsibility of the C.I.T.S. TSD.
section 8 training outcomes 8.1 The director of C.I.T.S. TSD shall maintain a permanent list of training objectives for each training class offered at C.I.T.S. in the official C.I.T.S. Training Services Bulletin.
8.2 The training objectives/outcomes must have a direct correspondence with training needs for each training event/class.
8.3 The training needs for each class shall be documented in a Class Control file.
8.4 The documentation in 8.3 does not have to be an actual survey and a corresponding statistical analysis. It is sufficient if the same is in the form of a specific list of requested topics/subjects/activities for the said class/event. Such request may also be verbal but in a written out format. It may also be a verbal request in the class or the beginning thereof. In other words the class must be in response to a definite, identifiable means. The actual shape/form of the need is not critical.
8.5 The classic descriptions in the Official Bulletin and the corresponding objectives must be related so that each class activity/topic is keyed to one of the learning outcomes of the class. The Director shall assure this by a continues control/monitoring of the C.I.T.S. Bulletin (see Section 2.1).
section 9 planning and instructional personnel 9.1 The director shall maintain a staff of instructors/course administrators/training managers that can work as a team to deliver the learning experience defined for each class/event.
9.2 The C.I.T.S. instructors shall have a minimum of 2 years of teaching experience. Knowledge of class/event content is not critical since C.I.T.S. has a class/event material learning Development program. A college degree of a B.A, B.S. level can be substituted for learning experience.
9.3 C.I.T.S. instructors shall have no commercial interest of any kind in the subject matter of instruction or any service/product/utility referred to in/during the class/event. All service/product/utility references in the class/event shall be the property of C.I.T.S. or other vendors.
9.4 Instructors/course managers/administrator and directors shall refrain from referring to by implication or directly or otherwise to any activity/service/utility that they have or will have a commercial interest in.
9.5 All personnel involved in every phase of training shall have a current résumé on file with the Director. This résumé shall indicate clearly the knowledge and experience for the particular activity that the relevant person is involved.
9.6 The said résumé shall also have a completion statement from C.I.T.S. coach of the instructor. This statement indicates that the said instructor has exhibited knowledge of the particular engineering system that he/she was assigned.
9.7 The course developers and managers shall have a minimum of five years experience before they can be involved in developing learning events/outcomes. In addition they must have completed the C.I.T.S. student/coach system for at least one of the automation systems that C.I.T.S. has training classes/events on.
9.8 Items 9.6 and 9.7 shall be tracked and used in corresponding résumés.
9.9 Instructors and other staff shall demonstrate high standards of professional behavior. This shall also be tracked via the résumé system referred to earlier.
9.10 Each learning event shall have a review process in which there is a section on instructor review.
9.11 Each person involved in any aspect of training shall attend at least one personal development seminar/activity/conference per year lasting a total of 40 hours. The activity shall be tracked by the résumé system mentioned above.
section 10 content and instructional methods
10.1 The director shall assure that the course outcomes and class descriptions are prepared by instructors/course managers who have at least 10 years of training experience of which at least two years must be actual teaching experience and/or a college degree.
10.2 The director shall control the correspondence of course material and learning outcomes via the class control file. The director shall use a grid or equivalent document to control the correspondence of learning objectives and learning topics of the corresponding class.
10.3 The primary methodology used to measure learning shall be written Laboratory Exercises with hands-on activities and review sheets that shall be multiple choice or question/answer format.
10.4 The instructor shall be flexible in 10.2 and 10.3 so that other proofs of learning are acceptable. In particular it shall not be required of learners to be fully verbal (written or auditory) in describing an activity or learning segment, if other proof of learning is available such as a 'keyword' or actual hands-on demonstration.
10.5 In applying 10.4 the director/instructor may show their acceptance of class completion requirement in the part of relevant learners by instructor commented Laboratory Exercises/review sheets.
10.6 The director shall encourage instructors to use different approaches to transfer information on to the learners. Instructors shall use alternative approaches showing understanding of different learning styles. In particular instructors shall use visual demonstration approaches. Indeed they may use any external resource, job play or evidence to achieve their objectives, as long as rules of professional conduct are not jeopardized.
10.7 The class/event progress shall conform to the C.I.T.S. proprietary training sequence as developed by Riaz Hussain, (see Exhibit 2). The director shall control this via the Class Control file and via Exhibit 1.
10.8 The instructor/course managers and support staff shall all sign a contract to protect intellectual proprietary rights of C.I.T.S. This shall be in employee file of each person. See exhibit 3.
section 11 assessment of learning outcomes
11.1 The director shall require that the planning of each learning event/class includes a student assessment component.
11.2 The assessment component shall have three parts:
A) Review Worksheets: These shall be written question sheets. May be question/answer or multiple choice or other format and may not involve actual hands-on activity. B) Laboratory Exercises: These shall also be written sheets with questions but additional shall have 'to do' or hands-on sub-components C) Demonstration: These may take the form of an individual student demonstrating a particular functionality to the instructor or to a fellow student/learner, or may be an activity performed in front of the class.
11.3 The completion of each item a, b, c shall be individual for each learner and shall not be restricted to written answers only. Instructor discretion in including completion on the part of the learner shall be acceptable to the Director and hence to C.I.T.S.
11.4 The instructor shall complete a student Assessment Document (see Exhibit 3) for each learning event which shall then be filed in the class file for the particular class/event..
11.5 The student Assessment Document shall not include a letter grade or score for any students unless specifically requested as such by the contact person for the class/event.
11.6 Students shall be informed in the class introductory hour (quad via) as to the class assessment requirement and its form and shape (see above).
section 12 post-event evaluation
12.1 The director shall require that the planning of each learning event clearly includes a post-event evaluation segment.
12.2 The segment referred to shall not be of a general reaction type but shall request specific information on the following aspects of the entire event from planning to execution to completion phase:
A) Needs assessment B) Logistical planning C) Instructional planning D) Execution E) Selection and preparation of instructors F) Operations/instructional methodology G) Learning outcome achievement
12.3 The director shall require summative analysis of the post-event evaluations. In particular the said analysis shall include determining the following:
A) Accomplishment of Learning Outcomes. B) Adequacy of Learning Outcomes vis-a'-vis the stated learning objectives. C) Effectiveness and efficiency of the learning event.
12.4 In determining items in 12.3 above the director shall use a document of form in Exhibit 4.
12.5 The accomplishment of items in 12.3 shall be assumed if 80% of the respondents agree, in other words the standard 80/20 rule shall be applied.
12.6 The document in 12.4 shall then be filed in the class file for the particular class.
12.7 If the rule in 12.5 is not favorable the director shall then initiate a class improvement process (see Exhibit 5) and assign a course manager/specialist to examine the relevant/post-evaluation summary and initiate appropriate changes.
12.8 The document in 12.7 shall then be filed in the relevant class control file (quad, via).
12.9 The assigned person to rectify the class will then repair/remove the deficiency within three months under the information to the director.
12.10 The process above shall continue until the 80/20 rule has been achieved.
12.11 The director may at his/her option initiate the above process if the 80/20 rule is satisfied, in case of a special but not critical deficiency.