PCSETUP1                PC Configuration for Automation Systems

 Class Type               Engineering

 System                     PC Hardware/Software                    

 Duration                   4.5 Days

 Class Audience        Maintenance Personnel responsible for maintaining/Configuring PC Equipment for any

                                   Honeywell PC Based HVAC Automation Systems.

 Offered At                Customer site or St Paul

 # of Students            Minimum 4 Maximum 8

 Cost                        $2110 per person at site, $1827 per person St Paul

 Brief                       The course first identifies PC architecture via a block diagram.  PC operation is then discussed

                                using an extensive discussion of DOS commands.  PC diagnostics and Debug are then

                                discussed.  This part of the class assumes a minimal configuration on the PC such as DOS or a

                                version of windows other than Windows XP.  This gives the students enough maturity to deal

                                with the next challenge of working with a blank PC or reconfiguring one that already came setup

                                with a suite of software and other utilities.  The goal is to gain control of your PC no matter who

                                made it and what was loaded on it.


                                This next part of the class discusses the objectives that you may have from your PC.  After this

                                discussion the instructor shows how to set up the PC to deliver the objectives with ease and

                                without any awkward hardware/software rigging.  Mr. Hussain discusses his own and CITS

                                Proprietary PC Setup System.  This highly versatile system of PC setup requires that you have

                                available all devices drivers that came with your PC.  The system then allows you to setup your

                                PC in such a way that you can boot your PC to any operating system that you may need without

                                any hard disk swapping and elaborate batch files. This setup involves some intensive discussion

                                of disk partitioning Schemes.  Mr. Hussain shows how to bypass the DOS system fdisk utility

                                altogether and using what is called a Primary Disk Partitioning system that requires no use of

                                extended disk partitions (which are not bootable anyway!).


                                The next part of the class shows how to setup and work with any network.  The emphasis is on

                                network hardware and software setup and not on network administration. (You may want to

                                consult other classes in this bulletin for that.)  This is because in this day and age you are going

                                to have to deal with networks at some point or other. This part prepares you to work with any

                                network hardware or software problem. This part is quite intense as well.  Again Mr. Hussain

                                will take the hype out of the networks and show you what they are really about. You will see

                                that networks are simple to setup, maintain and trouble-shoot but hard to manage.


                                After an ideal system setup has been achieved the class shows that backing up your PC data

                                files is a snap.  A variety of back up strategies are discussed including the CITS preferred one.

                                This technique uses simple tools to back up your system files on your  network. The class then

                                shows how you can restore your data files without any problems. The class also discusses PC

                                imaging and disk cloning using different software tools.

  Objectives            Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

                        ·         Identify all components of an IBM compatible PC

                        ·         Use a basic but critical set of DOS commands

·         Run and Interpret any standard Diagnostics program on a PC  including check-it 

·         Setup and configure a PC for the purpose in hand

·         Re-configure a pre-configured PC

·         Partition a hard disk system to boot any operating system whatsoever

·         Setup primary partitions as opposed to extended partitions

·         Set up a network of any description excluding the use and administration of the same

·         Configure a Database Backup system for any PC that needs backing up


                        ·         PC Architecture

                        ·         DOS commands and Windows Configuration Operation

                        ·         PC Diagnostics Programs

                        ·         PC Setup and Configuration

                        ·         Backup Strategies

                        ·         Network configuration


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