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NICET12               Fire Alarm Technicians Certification Level I/II


Class Type            Engineering


System                   General Fire Alarm Systems


Duration                5.0 days


Class Audience    Fire Alarm Systems Designers, Electricians, Electronic Systems Specialists, maintenance persons responsible for Fire Alarm System, Honeywell Authorized System Distributor Installation personnel for Fire Alarm System, Honeywell systems technicians for Fire Alarm or other related systems, Customer Personnel responsible for NFPA code compliance at their sites and management personnel responsible for NFPA Code compliance


Offered At             Customer site or St Paul


# of Students        Minimum 4,  Maximum 8 


Cost                        $2288 per person at site, $1483 per person St Paul


Pre-requisites      None


Brief                      The objective of the course is to expose the student to the letter and spirit of the National Fire Protection Agency Code.  The class is aimed at persons designing, servicing or managing a fire alarm system in a public building or facility.


The first objective of the class is to discuss the intent, approach and method of the various technical committees of the NFPA. It is submitted in class at length that the understanding of these three elements is critical for the future designer, service or manager of a fire alarm system. 


Once the student has mastered the above the class then shows what are the different aspects of a fire alarm system to which the three elements referred to above are applied. This area is conveniently divided into work elements by NICET. Depending upon one’s objectives one needs to exhibit an understanding of 34 different work elements to fulfill the requirements for NICET Certification at level 1 and II.


The class discusses the specific application of the 3-part system of the NFPA to each fire alarm aspect in selected detail that shows instructor selection and knowledge of Fire alarm systems. On other aspects, students get guidance and assigned critical readings to report on.


The specific work elements worked on in the class are listed below under topics.  Notice that more is worked on than is required for Level I/II.  Some of the work can be used by the students for Level III/IV Certification.


Objectives             Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:


·         Exhibit a full knowledge and understanding of the methods and approach of the NFPA Technical committees


·         Given a fire alarm question, decide which of the NFPA codes is applicable and then will be able to find the required section and paragraph ruling on the subject


·         Given a fire alarm situation/configuration, determine the applicable code and then will be able to rule on the compliance of the situation/configuration involved or will be able to pursue it to find the proper solution on the matter


·         Will be able to ensure compliance objectives of a given commercial, industrial of governmental or other entity


·         Work with compliance questions on an everyday basis


·         Act as liaison between the relevant authority having jurisdiction and the entity he/she represents for all compliance/verification questions


·         Ensure all testing and verification requirements of the NFPA for his/her entity


·         Exhibit an understanding of all documentation requirements of the NFPA and will be able to assemble and maintain the same in a simple yet exhaustive and complete manner as required by the NFPA


·         Exhibit a knowledge of NFPA source code books, ordering sources for them and be able to purchase and maintain a library of the NFPA Code books and others at the site, and for the site use on a daily or other basis


·         Order and maintain the NFPA handbooks at his/her site for daily or other use and will be able to encourage the use of the same and will be able to lead and guide the users at his her site by interpreting the various provisions of the NFPA for them


·         Appreciate that some of the requirements of the NFPA are not directly determinate and require interpretation and hence will be able to chart a course of action in such cases and will be able to help and guide his/her entity in good faith




General Work Elements


Part I


(1)           31001                   Basic Fire Alarm Systems

                                                NFPA72, 101, Fire Alarm Signaling Handbook


(2)           31002                   NFPA Standards.

                                                “Definition” and “Scope” Sections of the Standards


(3)           31004                  Devices and Components

                                                NFPA72 Training Manual on Fire Alarm Systems, Fire Protection  Handbook, Fire Alarm Alarm                                     Signaling Systems Handbook.


(4)           31005                Periodic Tests



(5)           31009                 Installation Practices


                                                Basic Working Drawings


Part II


                31006                Basic Electricity


                31011                Basic Metric Units and Conversions


                31008                Basic Mathematics


                31010                Basic Communications Skills


Part III


Level I Special Work Elements


(1)           32003              Basic Physical Science


(2)                                     Household Fire Warning Systems



(3)                                     Basic Individual Safety



(4)                                      First Aid Procedures

                                            General Books on First Aid


Part IV


                                            Level II General Work Elements


33001                    Fire Protection Plans and Symbols



33002                    Basics of Systems Layout



33003                    Electrical Installation Standards



33004                    Basic Fire Alarm Signaling Systems



33005                    Supervision and Supervisory Service

                                NFPA72, 70, 101,

                                Fire Alarm Signaling Systems Handbook


33006                    Detection Methods            



33007                    Detector Spacing

                                 NFPA72, Fire Protection Equipment Directory


33008                    Power Supplies


                                 Fire Alarm Signaling Systems Handbook.


33009                    System Acceptance and Periodic Tests

                                NFPA72 (Manufacturers Test Manuals)


33016                    Local Protection Signaling Systems


                                Fire Alarm Signaling Handbook       


33017                    Auxiliary Protection Signaling Systems

                                NFPA72, Fire Protection Handbook,

                                Fire Alarm Signaling Systems Handbook


33018                    Remote Station Protection Signaling Systems

                                NFPA72/101, Fire Alarm Signaling Systems Handbook

33019                    Proprietary Protection Signaling Systems



33020                    Control Station Signaling Systems



33022                    Heat Sensing Fire Detectors


                                Fire Alarm Signaling Systems Handbook

                                Fire Protection Equipment Directory


33023                    Smoke Sensing Fire Detectors

                                NFPA72/80, 90A.

                                Fire alarm Signaling Systems Handbook

                                Fire Protection Equipment Directory

                                Guide for Proper Use of Systems Smoke Detectors

                                Guide for Proper Use of Smoke Detectors in Duct Applications


33024                    Flame Sensing Fire Detectors



33025                    Sprinkler Waterflow and Supervising Devices


                                Fire Protection Handbook

                                Fire Alarm Signaling Systems Handbook


33026                    Alarm Indicating Appliances


                                Fire Alarm Signaling Handbook Manufacturers Test


33027                    Basics of Signal Transmission

                                NFPA72 and Related Appendix


33029                    Intermediate Mathematics


33028                    Business Communications

                                Basic Grammar and Writing Tests

Part V


Level II Special Work Elements


                34001                    Emergency Voice/Alarm Communication Systems



                34002                    Signal Processing

                                                Training Manual on Fire Alarm Systems, Fire Protection Handbook, Fire Alarm Signaling Signaling                                Systems Handbook, Manufacturer's Data and electric and electronic textbooks


                34004                    Fire Alarm System Maintenance

                                                NFPA72 and Electrical Textbooks


                34005                    Fire Alarm System Wiring



                34006                    Emergency Evacuation Signals



                34007                    Combination Systems


                                                Fire Protection Handbook

                                                Fire Alarm Signaling Systems Handbook


            CLASS STATISTICS                                                     Download Class Description