Microsoft Office 2000 

COFC2KB                Microsoft Office 2000 Basic 

Class Type                Basic Operation 

System                  Windows Applications 

Duration                4.5 days 

Class Audience                Office Assistants, Managers at all levels, Technicians, Service

                                Representatives, Engineers, Desk and Non-Desk Workers at all levels,

                                Salespersons at all levels and PUBLIC AT LARGE               

Offered At                 Customer site or St Paul 

# of Students                Minimum 5 Maximum 12  

Cost                        $2110 per person at site, $1827 per person St Paul 

Pre-requisites                None 

Brief                      Microsoft Office 2000 is an integrated software package.  This class aims

                                to teach the students the basic use of each of its 7 components.  These

                                components are: 

1.                    Microsoft Word

2.                    Microsoft Excel

3.                    Microsoft Power Point

4.                    Microsoft Access

5.                    Microsoft Publisher

6.                    Microsoft Outlook

7.                    Microsoft Office and the Internet



The class is a basic but comprehensive introduction to every aspect of Office 2000 system.  The class is not an overview or a show and demonstrate type class.  The class training methodology is advanced and result-oriented and not just understanding-oriented.  The class training methodology is scientific and is as follows:


The instructor presents a motivation, discussion and online demonstration for each topic/function available in Windows 98.


The students then practice the topic/function on the provided systems using provided detailed lab exercises.


Remark:  Most classes do not present a proper motivation for each item/concept/function with the result that learning the items is harder to the relevant extent in that the student must then memorize the item/concept/function concerned.


The class first presents an introduction to Office 2000 and a getting started section.  This section includes items such as starting and exiting a program, selecting commands using menus and tool bars, displaying/hiding/moving toolbars and how to use built-in help.

Major functional parts of the class, which are covered in their entirety, are as follows:


1.        Using Microsoft Word


1.1     Getting Started

This topic includes an introduction to Word and such topics as starting/quitting Word, the Word screen, entering text, selecting text and moving through a document.

1.2     Save, Open and Print a document

This topic includes saving, opening, previewing and printing a document.  Also creating a new document and switching between documents and e-mailing a document

1.3     Edit a Document

This topic includes inserting/deleting/moving/copying/pasting text.  Also undoing changes, counting words, finding/replacing text, spell and grammar checking, and using the thesaurus.

1.4     Format text

This topic includes changing the font/font size/text color, highlighting text, bold/underline/italic functions.  Also copy formatting, changing alignment of text, indenting, tab settings/line spacing and adding numbers or bullets.

1.5     Format Pages

This topic includes inserting page breaks/section breaks, changing margins, adding page numbers, and centering text among other things.

1.6     Working with tables

This topic includes creating a table, changing the width or row height, and adding a row or column.  Also merging cells and moving, sizing and formatting a table.


2.        Using Excel

2.1     Getting Started

This topic includes an introduction to Excel and such topics as starting/quitting Excel, the Excel screen, changing the active cell, entering data, selecting cells, scrolling through a worksheet, switching between worksheets, and inserting/deleting/moving worksheets.

2.2     Saving and Opening a Workbook

This topic includes opening/saving/creating workbooks.  Also, switching between workbooks and e-mailing worksheets.

2.3     Edit a worksheet

This topic includes editing/copying/moving data, inserting/deleting rows or columns, zoom in or out and undoing changes.

2.4     Using Formulas and Functions

This topic includes an introduction to formulas and functions, entering a formula/function, adding numbers and copying a formula.

2.5     Format a Worksheet

This topic includes changing column/row dimensions, changing font/size of data, number format, cell or data color, alignment of data, centering data across columns, bold/italic/underline functions, copy formatting and using autoformat.

2.6     Print a Worksheet

This topic includes previewing/printing a worksheet, changing margins/print orientation/print options.

2.7     Working with Charts

This topic includes creating/moving/sizing a chart, adding data to and printing a chart.


3.        Using Power Point

3.1     Getting Started

This topic includes an introduction to Power Point and such topics as starting/quitting Power Point, Power Point screen, creating/changing/browsing through, a presentation.  Also saving/opening and e-mailing a presentation.

3.2     Edit Slides

This topic includes selecting/replacing/inserting/deleting/moving text and undoing changes.  Also, hiding text slide, check spelling, adding a new slide and changing the importance of text.

3.3     Add Objects to Slides

This topic includes changing the slide layout and adding an autoshape/text effect/clip art/chart.  Also, making changes to a chart and moving or sizing an object.

3.4     Enhance a Presentation

This topic includes changing the font/size/style/alignment/color of text.  Also changing the object color/design template/color scheme and animation of slides.

3.5     Fine Tune a Presentation

This topic includes reordering/deleting the slides.  Also, adding slide transitions, viewing a slide show, creating speaker notes and printing a presentation.


4.        Using Access

4.1     Getting Started

This topic covers introduction to Access and includes such topics as planning a database, starting Access, creating a database using a wizard, creating a blank database, opening a database object and opening a database.

4.2     Create Tables

This topic includes creating a table, renaming a field, rearranging fields, adding/deleting a field, moving through/selecting/editing data, zooming into a cell, changing column width, adding/deleting a record, changing view of a table, displaying a subdatasheet, setting the primary key, changing data type and establishing relationships between tables.

4.3     Create Forms

This topic includes creating a form, moving through records, editing data and adding/deleting a record.

4.4     Sort and Find Data

This topic includes sorting records, finding data, and filtering data by selection/by using criteria.

4.5     Create Queries

This topic includes creating a query and changing the view of it.  Also, sorting the query results, hiding a field, deleting a field, setting criteria and examples of criteria.

4.6     Create Reports

This topic includes creating and printing a report


5.        Using Publisher

5.1     Getting started

This topic covers an introduction to Publisher and includes such topics as starting publisher, creating a publication using a wizard, crating a blank publication, saving/opening a publication, adding a new page, moving through pages and printing a publication.

5.2     Add Objects to a Publication

This topic includes adding a text frame/clip art/picture/text effect and moving or sizing an object.


6.        Using Outlook

6.1     Exchange E-Mail

This topic covers starting outlook and includes such topics as reading a message, displaying the mail folders, creating a message, attaching a file to a message, replying to a message and forwarding/deleting a message.

6.2     Manage Information

This topic includes using the calendar/contacts/tasks/notes/deleted items.


7.        Microsoft Office and the Internet

This topic includes creating a hyperlink, previewing a document as a WEB Page and saving the document as a WEB Page. 

Objectives                Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

·         Install and configure Microsoft Office 2000 for daily usage

·         Work  and customize the basic Office 2000 user interface

·         Work with all components of Office 2000 as a proficient User                                     


·         Getting Started with Office 2000

·         Office 2000 User Configuration

·         Using Word

·         Using Excel

·         Using Power Point

·         Using Access

·         Using Publisher

·         Using Outlook

·         Using Office and the Internet 

COFC2KA                Microsoft Office 2000 Advanced 

Class Type                Programming 

System                   Windows Applications                                

Duration                4.5 Days 

Class Audience                Office Assistants, Managers at all levels, Technicians, Service

                                    Representatives, Engineers, Desk and Non-Desk Workers at all

                                    levels, Salespersons at all levels and PUBLIC AT LARGE 

Offered At                Customer site or St Paul 

# of Students                Minimum 5 Maximum 12 

Cost                        $2110 per person at site, $1827 per person St Paul 

Pre-requisite                COFC2KB 

Brief                      Consult the Brief for Office 2000 Basic.  This class covers all topics listed

                                there and more but in addition in this class you learn the additional

                                optional but programmable features of Office 2000. These features are

                                designed to short-circuit many of the routine functions and are designed

                                for heavy users of Office 2000. The goal is super efficiency and

                                power use of Office 2000.


        The class assumes that you have the ability to work with Office 2000 in           its default configuration and are ready to explore its rich repertoire of             optional but powerful features.  The listed pre-requisite is required.             Please call CITS before registering if you are not sure and need more             information. 

Objectives                 Upon completion of the course the student will be able to: 

·         Demonstrate a masterful use of all components of Microsoft Office 2000


·         Power use of Microsoft Word

·         Power use of Microsoft Excel

·         Power use of Microsoft Access

·         Power use of Microsoft Power Point

·         Power use of Microsoft Outlook

·         Power use of Microsoft Publisher

·         Power use of Microsoft Office 2000 and the Internet 

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