Microsoft Access 2000 Advanced 

CACC2KA                Microsoft Access 2000 Advanced 

Class Type                Programming 

System                   PC Operating Systems 

Duration                2.5 days 

Class Audience                Office Assistants, Managers at all levels, Technicians, Service

                                    Representatives, Engineers, Desk and Non-Desk Workers at all levels,

                                    Salespersons at all levels and PUBLIC AT LARGE               

Offered At                 Customer site or St Paul 

# of Students                Minimum 5 Maximum 12  

Cost                        $1172 per person at site, $1015 per person St Paul 

Pre-requisites                None 

Brief                      Microsoft Access 2000 is a Database Management and Programming


        Part one of Access is about databases, their creation and management.  The

        second part is about programming the created databases to create

        complete customized user applications.  This second part is comprised of

        the following elements:


1.                    Programming in Access

2.                    Advanced Programming

3.                    Building Access Applications

4.                    Multi-user and Client –Server issues

5.                    Performance and security

6.                    Internet/Intranet

This class is about this second part.  The 6 Topics above are discussed and explained extensively in class.  In addition there are detailed Lab Exercises to actually practice these concepts for thorough understanding and maturity with the package.  A certain level of maturity with the package is the goal of the class.  This  advanced class is concerned with the programming in Access.

Throughout the class the instructor presents a motivation, discussion and online demonstration for each topic/function available in Access 2000. 

The students then practice the topic/function on the provided systems using provided detailed lab exercises. 

Objectives                Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

·         Use Visual Basic in Access

·         Work with SQL in Access 2000

·         Build Complete Custom Access Applications

·         Use Access in Network Environment

·         Optimize and secure an application

·         Publish Access objects to the Internet



·         Visual Basic in Access

·         Programming in Access and SQL

·         Programming Applications in Access

·         Testing Applications

·         Multi-user and Client-Server Issues

·         Performance and Security

·         Internet and intranet publishing

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