Microcentral Systems
CITS2001 Excel Plus Microcentral System Operation
Class Type Basic Operation
System Microcentral
4.5 Days
Maintenance Personnel responsible for operating the Excel Plus System
with a PC and a Bus Interface
Customer site or St Paul
# of
Minimum 4 Maximum 8
$2110 per person at site, $1827 per person St Paul
The course first identifies an Excel Plus Microcentral System using an
elaborate block diagrams. All operating procedures are then introduced one set
at a time with written lab exercises. A
significant portion of the class is devoted to generating and understanding the
standard reports. The adequacy of
these reports for almost all- analytical purposes at site is emphasized. The operating procedures for the W1044 XPOT are also covered
to the extent of point data access and scheduling. All data entry functions are also learned and an overview of
the Excel Plus R7044 panel programming is presented.
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Identify Excel Plus Microcentral System Hardware including the Peer Bus
· Identify software/firmware in all components of the Excel Plus Microcentral System
Use the W1044 XPOT to perform Point Data Access and Scheduling
· Perform all operator functions using the provided data entry templates and the short-cuts
Perform/create Microcentral Data View screens/shortcuts using the
Keyname Processor
· Perform all Microcentral Data Entry functions using the provided templates
· Perform the critical Microcentral Database Save/Restore functions using the PC Application Packages Program.
Use all features of the PC Applications Packages Program except
the Optional Programs.
· Excel Plus Microcentral System Block Diagram
· Overview of system extensions and enhancements
· Excel Plus System Software/Firmware
· Operating Procedures
· Programming/Data Entry Procedures
· Overview of Excel Plus Programming
· Keyname Processor
· PC Applications Packages
· System Reports
Custom Reports
Excel Plus Microcentral Fire and Security Operation
Class Type Basic Operation
System Microcentral
Duration 4.5 Days
Class Audience
Maintenance Personnel responsible for operating the FS90/FS90 Plus
Microcentral System with a PC and a Bus Interface
Offered At Customer site Only
# of Students Minimum 4 Maximum 8
Cost $2110 per person at site, $1827 per person St Paul
The course first identifies an FS90/FS90 Plus Microcentral System using
an elaborate block diagrams. All
operating procedures are then introduced one set at a time with written lab
exercises. A significant portion of
the class is devoted to generating and understanding the standard reports.
The adequacy of these reports for almost all analytical purposes at a
site is emphasized. The operating
procedures for the FS90/FS90 Plus are also covered to the extent of point data
access and alarm response. All data entry functions are also learned and field
programming of the FS90/FS90 Plus is covered.
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Identify FS90/FS90 Plus Microcentral System Hardware including the Peer Bus
· Identify software/firmware in all components of the FS90/FS90 Plus Microcentral System
Perform all field programming functions for the FS90/FS90 Plus
downline processors
· Perform all operator functions using the provided data entry templates and the short-cuts
Perform/create Microcentral Data View screens/shortcuts using the
Keyname Processor
· Perform all Microcentral Data Entry functions using the provided templates
Use all features of the PC Applications Packages Program except
the Optional programs.
· FS90/FS90 Plus Microcentral System Block Diagram
· Overview of System Extensions and Enhancements
· FS90/FS90 Plus System Software/Firmware
· Operating Procedures
· Programming/Data Entry Procedures
· FS90/FS90 Plus Field Programming
· Keyname Processor
· PC Applications Packages
· System Reports
Custom Reports
Excel Plus Microcentral Database Modification
Class Type
Data Entry
4.5 Days
Maintenance Personnel responsible for operating the Excel Plus System
with a PC and a Bus Interface
Customer site or St Paul
# of
Minimum 4 Maximum 8
$2110 per person at site, $1827 per person St Paul
Brief The course first identifies an Excel Plus Microcentral System using an elaborate block diagrams. The course then makes an immediate detour into the discussion of the nature of the Excel Plus downline processor databases. The controller database is analytically divided into what is called the Point File and the Program File. The course is shown to be concerned with the nature and significance of the Point File.
The course then shows how to display/modify a record in any piece of the Point file. All methods of database record access are discussed and exemplified. Database access procedures are introduced one set at a time with written lab exercises. Also all methods of database save/restore are shown and tested on-line.
display/modify-operating procedures for the W1044 XPOT are also covered.
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Describe the nature and significance of a controller database
· Perform all Database Modification functions using Record Format XPOT
Perform all Database Modification functions using Record Format
· Perform all Database Modification functions using Record Format Microcentral
· Perform the critical Microcentral Database Save/Restore functions using the PC Application Packages Program.
· Use all features of the PC Applications Packages Program except the Optional programs.
· Excel Plus Microcentral System Block Diagram
· Overview of Excel Plus System Software/Firmware
· Nature and significance of R7044 Databases
· Controller Database Access/Display/Modify Procedures Using Record Format PPT
· Controller Database Access/Display/Modify Procedures Using Record Format Microcentral
· Controller Database Access/Display/Modify Procedures Using Record Format XPOT
Overview of Excel Plus Programming
Excel Plus Microcentral Energy Management Programming
Class Type
4.5 Days
Class Audience
Maintenance Personnel responsible for optimization of
an Excel Plus Microcentral Energy Management System
Customer site or St Paul
# of
Minimum 4 Maximum 8
$2110 per person at site, $1827 per person St Paul
Brief The course starts with a brief introduction to an Excel Plus Microcentral System using a simplified block diagram. The course then introduces the theory of operation of each of the standard energy management programs. This is followed by an actual example and lab exercise to test the working of the program. It is emphasized that the versatility of the Honeywell programs is such as to allow application in almost all practical situations. Indeed, it is shown how the programs can modified to be as energy-oriented or as comfort-oriented as desired. The built in standard reports and the custom report capability are used to track the progress of each EMS program.
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Define each of the standard Honeywell Energy Management Programs on the Excel Plus Microcentral System
· Identify the required sensor inputs and actuator outputs of all energy management Programs
Understand the theory of operation and control action of each
energy management program .
· Write/Modify each of the energy management programs in order to optimize
comfort-energy savings calculus
Test the control action of the major energy management programs
· Use Honeywell documentation for planning the Energy-Comfort strategy
· Excel Plus Microcentral System Block Diagram
· Energy Management Implementation Provision in CAE, the Database Generation Program for the Excel Plus Systems
· Theory of Operation of Each of the Energy Management Programs
· Program Creation/Modification on-line
· Program Testing/Optimization
· Honeywell Documentation
Strategic use of Standard/Custom Reports
Excel Plus Microcentral HVAC Programming (Deltanet PASCAL)
Class Type Programming
4.5 Days
Class Audience
Maintenance Personnel responsible for Customization/Configuration of an
excel Plus Microcentral DDC system
Customer site or St Paul
# of
Minimum 4 Maximum 8
$2110 per person at site, $1827 per person St Paul
Brief The course starts with a brief introduction to an Excel Plus Microcentral System using a simplified block diagram. The function and intent of a DDC program in an Excel Plus panel is then elaborated on and the difference between an Energy Management Program and a DDC program is pointed out. The course then goes into a study of the elements of the Honeywell Programming Language Deltanet Pascal, the language DDC programs are written in. Each set of elements of the language is introduced with example program segments which are actually tested on line. The course also discuses the powerful Honeywell DDC operators which convert the Deltanet Pascal language into a truly structured programming language ideally suited for HVAC control. Again the operators are actually used in program segments and tested on line.
The technical
functions of flowcharting, writing, compilation, downloading and testing of
programs are performed repeatedly to enhance learning and internalizing of a certain
definitive analytical thought-pattern.
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Identify the Point and Program files of an R7044 Controller database
· Understand the nature and significance of an HVAC Control Loop
· Flow-chart an HVAC Control Loop using Deltanet Pascal Standard Programming Symbology
· Write program code to implement a flow-chart for an HVAC Control Loop
· Compile program code to executable/object code format using the Pascal Compiler
· Download object code for a DDC program into an R7044 memory
Test/checkout a downloaded program for correct on-line operation
· Use all Honeywell Pascal HVAC operators to write error-free and easily understood
Eliminate the use of the ‘IF’ statement from any already
written program to enhance program readability
· Excel Plus Microcentral System Block Diagram
· Controller Point and Program files
· DDC control loops
· Flow-charting
· Program Code writing using an editor program
· Program Compilation
Program downloading/Program test/checkout on-line
Excel Plus Microcentral PC Options
Class type Programming
4.5 Days
Class Audience
Maintenance Personnel interested in Supervisory/Management optional
programs implemented on the Microcentral Systems
Customer site or St Paul
# of
Minimum 4 Maximum 8
$2110 per person at site, $1827 per person St Paul
Brief The course first identifies an Excel Plus Microcentral System using a simple block diagram. The course then discusses the function and intent of the PC applications program. The optional programs DR HALO, Maintenance Manager and the Energy Auditor Programs are then loaded onto the system PC hard disk. The correct operation of these programs is verified.
The course then
introduces the operating procedures of each program in manageable sets of
functions for easy learning. Written
exercises are used extensively.
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Identify the purpose and intent of the PC Applications Program
· Load the optional programs onto the system hard disk
Verify the correct operation of the loaded programs
Perform all operating procedures for all 3 of the optional
· Excel Plus Microcentral System Block Diagram
· PC Applications Program
· Optional Program Loading
· Optional Program Operation Verification
· Operating procedures for the DR HALO Program
· Operating procedures for the Maintenance Manager Program
Operating Procedures for the Energy Auditor Program
Excel Plus Microcentral Advanced Topics Seminar
Class Type
4.5 Days
Maintenance/Supervisory Personnel responsible for an Excel Plus System
with a PC and Bus Interface
Customer Site or St Paul
# of
Minimum 4 Maximum 8
$2110 per person at site, $1827 per person St Paul
Brief The course has no fixed agenda. Students are expected to have questions/problems or procedural items that need clear answers or need to be investigated.
The course does discuss Honeywell Technical Literature Organization.
Use of investigative ability and technical language is encouraged.
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Exhibit independent investigative ability
· Exhibit a knowledge of Honeywell Technical Literature Organization
· Articulate questions/comments for the Honeywell Rep using technical terminology
· Honeywell Technical Literature Organization
· Student initiated questions/problems/projects
Instructor initiated questions/problems/projects
Excel Plus Microcentral Engineering/Service
Type Engineering/Service
4.5 Days
Class Audience
Mechanical HVAC systems maintenance persons that have responsibility to
maintain or reconfigure Micro/Macrocel
systems integrated with their Excel Plus systems using Microcentral/Graphic
Central front end. Also, Electrical trades people or Electronic Technicians
responsible for Engineering/Reengineering or
Servicing an Excel Plus Microcentral HVAC System.
At St Paul or Customer Site
of Students Minimum 4,
Maximum 8
$2110 per person site, $1827 per person St Paul
Brief The course provides an overview of the entire Excel Plus system and its extensions and enhancements. The basic portion of the course is a complete discussion of the entire Excel Plus Microcentral Engineering Sequence for any job of any description or complexity.
The course is very fast paced and learning takes place in large discrete segments. The course focuses on developing a very independent thought pattern characterized by an aggressive problem-annihilating and not merely problem-solving approach.
The course first presents a very detailed block diagram of the Excel Plus Microcentral System. The course then presents a small mechanical system to be controlled by the Excel Plus system. To this end a point file is created quickly to define all mechanical and electrical equipment. This is followed by a Mechanical Systems Data Access scheme that is to be used by the end-user. After this the defined equipment is set in required relationships with each other via the programming language Deltanet Pascal. At this point fire alarm equipment is added to the already created point file. Fire alarm programs, if any, are also added at this point.
It is also shown that at this point Satellite processors such as Micro/Macrocel point files can be programmed. This completes the data base creation sequence. Each record creation is illustrated on-line using a powerful Honeywell Engineering program. Students follow with the creation of similar records via elaborate written exercises. The created database is then checked via the Validation routines in the engineering program. Error messages are interpreted and errors corrected.
The validated database is then compiled and checked via the Generation Utility of the engineering program. Generation error messages are interpreted and errors corrected.
The compiled database is then used to print database logs and reports. These reports are deciphered and interpreted. Their extensive nature and unusually comprehensive nature is noted strongly.
The generated database is also used to test operations in Debug mode. This is off-line testing. The generated database is then used to create media databases for the downline processors and the central processors.
The course then goes into media database installation and on-line test and checkout.
the entire sequence is done by the students again. This time the students work independently on a given project.
A successfully working project is a very satisfying and
confidence-building experience.
Objectives Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Identify Excel Plus Microcentral System Hardware including the Peer Bus and the C-NAP bus
· Identify software/firmware in all components of the Excel Plus Microcentral Central System
· Perform all Database Modifications functions using the Interactive Database Modification Utility of the Honeywell Engineering Program
· Perform the Database Validation Function provided in the Honeywell Engineering
· Interpret and rectify the validation error messages with dispatch
· Perform the Database Generation function provided in the Honeywell Engineering
· Interpret and rectify the Database Generation error messages with dispatch
· Perform the Media generation functions provided in the Honeywell Engineering Program
· Generate required reports for analysis
· Download Generated Databases to the required downline processors
Test and Checkout on-line the generated Databases after download
· Excel Plus Microcentral System Block Diagram
· Overview of Excel Plus System Software/Firmware
· Nature and significance of R7044 Databases
· Controller Database Record Access/Display/Modify Procedures Using the Interactive Database Generator of the Engineering Program
· Database Validation Procedure
· Validation Error Messages
· Database Generation/Compilation
· Database Generation Error Messages
· Downloading Processor databases
Database Test and Checkout