Basic Pneumatic Systems Training
Class Type
Basic Operation
System Mechanical HVAC Systems
Duration 2.5 Days
Class Audience Operators of Mechanical HVAC Systems, Mechanical Systems Maintenance Persons, Electronic Technicians responsible for installing/servicing HVAC Automation Systems
Offered At Customer site or St Paul
# of Students Minimum 4, Maximum 8
Pre-requisites None
Brief The Class starts with an exhaustive definition of Air Conditioning. This is followed by a critical discussion of pneumatic air supply and its maintenance. This is followed by a comprehensive discussion of thermostats, which is the major focus of this class. Just about every type of thermostat is discussed including the hardware, the settings, applications, operation, calibration, trouble shooting and maintenance. The class also discusses the final control assemblies in pneumatics.
Every training module is supported by in-depth review questions and hands-on lab
A major emphasis of
the class is maintenance and repair of mechanical pneumatic systems.
The class is quite detailed and busy as it covers a very large set of
topics. However, because of CITS exclusive training methodology the class moves
at a relaxed pace without any stress for any student.
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Define all major functions of any Pneumatic Control System
· Understand all basic thermostat Control System concepts
· Setup and test a thermostatic Pneumatic Control System
· Calibrate any thermostat for any thermostatic control system
· Test and checkout a thermostatic Pneumatic Control System
Perform all Repair and Replacement functions for a thermostatic
Pneumatic Control System
· Air Conditioning and Air Conditioning Concepts
· Pneumatic Air Supply Hardware and Concepts
· Thermostats/Hardware and Concepts
· Thermostat Calibration
· Ultimate Control Devices/Hardware and Concepts
· Pneumatic Reset Systems
Mathematical and Pneumatic Reference Information
Intermediate Pneumatic Systems
Class Type
Basic Operation
System Mechanical HVAC Systems
Duration 2.5 Days
Class Audience Operators of Mechanical HVAC Systems, Mechanical Systems Maintenance Persons, Electronic Technicians responsible for installing/servicing HVAC Automation Systems
Offered At Customer site or St Paul
# of Students Minimum 4, Maximum 8
Cost $1172 per person at site, $1015 per person St Paul
Pre-requisites CITS0911
Brief The Class starts with an exhaustive overview of a Pneumatic Control System. The class then immediately gets into a confident discussion of sensor-controller systems. This is followed by a comprehensive discussion of all major sensor-controller applications such as discharge air control, humidity, mixed air control and resets. The focus of the class is discussion of popular resets using the RP920 controller. All models of the RP920 are discussed. In fact just about every type of sensor-controller system is discussed including the hardware, the settings, applications, operation, calibration, trouble shooting and maintenance. In particular, information is also provided on the RP908 and other older controllers and control devices. All pneumatic tools such as relays necessary for each application are also discussed. The nature and significance of control modes such as proportional, integral and derivative control modes is also elaborated on.
Every training module is supported by in-depth review questions and hands-on lab exercises.
A major emphasis of the class is maintenance and repair of mechanical pneumatic systems. The class is quite detailed and busy as it covers a very large set of topics. However, because of CITS exclusive training methodology, the class moves at a relaxed pace without any stress for any student.
Objectives Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Analyze a sensor-controller system
· Configure a sensor-controller system for a single input control system
· Configure a sensor-controller system for a 2 input control system
· Test/checkout/calibrate a sensor-controller system
Perform all Repair and Replacement functions for a
sensor-controller system
· Mixed Control Systems
· Enthalpy Control Systems
· Fan Systems Control
· Discharge Air Control Systems
· Humidity Control Systems
Pneumatic Systems Energy
Efficient Engineering/Re-engineering
Class Type Engineering/Service
System Mechanical HVAC Systems
Duration 4.5 Days
Class Audience Mechanical Systems Maintenance Persons interested in energy efficient engineering/retrofitting Pneumatic Control Systems at their sites, Electronic Technicians responsible for installing/servicing HVAC Automation Systems
Offered At Customer site or St Paul
# of Students Minimum 4, Maximum 8
Cost $2110 per person at site, $1827 per person St Paul
Pre-requisites CITS0921
Brief The Class starts with an exhaustive overview of a Pneumatic Control System. The class then immediately gets into a confident discussion of improving a pre-existing Pneumatic Control System. The elements of such an approach are developed painstakingly. It is pointed out how a creative/positive approach is initiated and how it materializes in actual control systems. This is demonstrated by precept and example. In each case the instructor leads the discussion with this CITS exclusive approach using challenging control specifications that motivate the students to follow a questioning/probing approach to actual powerful solutions. Students then test their solutions on actual hardware.
The basic objective of the class is to fine-tune/retrofit/design a Pneumatic Control System of any complexity from and energy efficiency point of view. The class discusses the purpose, use and application of all pneumatic engineering tools such as pneumatic relays, controllers, final control devices pneumatic switches, sensors and accessories that are used in this process. As can be imagined each class of pneumatic devices and accessories is quite large. But the discussion is always from an abstract analytical point of view so that the students get an insight into the nature of a whole preexisting class of devices from the discussion of just one of them!
Since control systems efficiency is a major concern in this class, special emphasis is placed on discussions of the premier mechanical systems, namely, the VAV Systems.
Objectives Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Analyze a Pneumatic Control System of any complexity
· Evaluate a Pneumatic Control System for efficiency of operation
· Fine-tune/retrofit/design a Pneumatic control system of any complexity
· Test/checkout/calibrate a Pneumatic Control System of any complexity
· Perform all Repair and Replacement functions for a Pneumatic Control System
Understand fully and work fully with the functioning of a VAV
Control System
· Pneumatic Control Systems Overview
· Specialized Pneumatic Hardware such as switches and relays
· VAV Control systems
· Enthalpy Control Systems
· Fan Systems Control
· Static Pressure Control
Sensor and non-sensor inputs