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EBI2102 Enterprise Building Integrator Engineering (Quick
Builder/hdwbld/pntbld Utilities) Class
Type: Programming System: Network Operating Systems Duration: 2.5 Days Class Audience: Honeywell Systems Engineers, Programmers, Electricians, Electronic Systems Specialists, and maintenance persons responsible for electrical/electronic installation/maintenance of XL5000/XBS-i systems or subsystems at customer sites, Honeywell Authorized System Distributor Installation Personnel, and Honeywell Systems Technicians for XBS or other systems and Programmers/Analysts familiar with PC Hardware and Application programs, and some version of Windows. Offered
At: Customer
site or St Paul # Of Students: Minimum 4, Maximum 8 Cost: $1172 per person at site, $1015 per person St Paul Pre-requisites: Familiarity with PC Hardware/Some Version of windows. Windows 2000 highly recommended.
Remark 1 Each student will be expected to bring a licensed copy of the EBI software for Excelnet Interface. The class is designed to concentrate on the EBI system configuration on an
Excel 5000 system. Excel 5000
hardware will be provided in the class.
Remark 2 The course is heavily hands on oriented and does not go into any detailed analysis of abstract networking standards and concepts. The course is about EBI
mandatory and optional configuration functions. Brief This high-powered course is designed basically for engineers installing Honeywell Network Based Automation Systems of one kind or another. The course immediately provides an elaborate overview of Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server Systems. students then perform an elaborate lab exercise on this topic creation/configuration process. Topics are covered in their natural order as much as possible. The following topics are covered in detail and show how the class presents a complex system configuration process in easily recognizable segments for an easy and fun training class:
Each of these topics is supported by detailed Lab exercises. The instructor first motivates each topic. Then each topic functions are demonstrated and elaborated. Finally students perform the functions on their lab stations. The class material is quite abstract and advanced. Please be aware t6hat for most situations the quick builder utility is sufficient but that advanced utilities are available for more complex applications. The class does
address these. Objectives:
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to: