CXBX3004 XBS System Advanced Application Programming Class Type Programming System XL5000 Duration 4.5 days Class Audience Programmers of down-line XBS processors and/or Maintenance personnel for the XBS Controllers in XBS or XBS-i Central HVAC Systems
Offered At Customer site or St Paul # of Students Minimum 4, Maximum 8 Cost $2288 per person at site, $1483 per person St Paul Pre-requisites CXBX3003 Brief The objective of this class is to prepare the student for the immediate task of modifying a given Control Strategy and Switching logic for any controller in any plant in any project databases for any Excel 5000 C-bus controller. The course focuses on using the Excel CARE Control Icons. Existence of an already generated database is assumed. The course starts with a quick overview of Excel CARE. The Getting Started module shows how to start CARE and how to use the extensive built-in help facility. The course then shows how to open an existing project and immediately goes into opening existing plants and selecting existing or new controllers for data modifications. Attaching plants is also discussed.
The main emphasis of the course is to discuss thoroughly Plant schematics, control strategies and switching logics using the Excel CARE control icons extensively. Students are allowed to make changes to existing data and to test the effect of their changes. The course does not cover the full range of capabilities of the Excel CARE system. Objectives Upon completion of the course the student will be able to: · Start the Honeywell CARE Application Program · Sign-on/sign-off from CARE System · Open an existing CARE project · Open an existing Plant · Attach/detach a Plant · Interpret a given Control Strategy and Switching Logic · Create New Control Strategies using Excel Control Icons extensively · Modify/Change any Control Strategy and any Switching Logic using Excel Control Icons · Exhibit power-usage of Excel Graphic Application Programming using Excel Control Icons · Convert any Control Strategy and Switching Logic to incorporate Excel Control Icons Topics · CARE Start-Up · Basic Navigation through the CARE Screens · Elements of Control Strategy and Switching Logic · Analysis of Excel Control Icons · Usage of Excel Control Icons in Graphic Program Segments · Test and checkout of Graphic Programs using Excel Control Icons
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