CXBX1002 XBS Controller Hardware/Diagnostics/Trouble Shooting/Maintenance Class Type Maintenance/Hardware System XL 5000 Duration 4.5 Days Class Audience Operators of down-line XBS processors and/or Maintenance personnel for the XBS Controllers in XBS or XBS-i Central HVAC Systems
Offered At Customer site or St Paul # of Students Minimum 4, Maximum 8 Cost $2288 per person at site, $1483 per person St Paul Pre-requisites CXBX1001 Brief The focus of the course is basic hardware maintenance and basic trouble shooting on the Excel 5000 controllers. Every topic is presented with this intent in view. The course starts with an extensive block diagram of an XBS System and its extensions and enhancements. Students are encouraged to relate the discussion to their own systems and to bring up any points that they may need clarification on. This module of the class is basically an overview of system components, application programs, hardware modules, XI581/XI582 operator units, XI584 Operator and Service Computer and Honeywell CARE Engineering system. A brief session is provided on operator unit operation.
The next module of the class is a technical description and discussion of all Excel 500/600,Excel 80/100, Excel 15,Excel 20, Excel 15,Excel 50 and the XM100A Modem Module controllers. The purpose of this module is to prepare the students for maintenance work on excel controller hardware.
The next module goes into controller commissioning and startup. Application load/dump, and setting up parameters are also discussed. Controller and bus communication problems are analyzed.
The course also covers interpretation and analysis of the site documentation prepared for the customer by Honeywell or other engineers. The course culminates with test and checkout of the Excel Controllers using the test and checkout program, Excel Test. In particular, test and checkout of the controller inputs and outputs is discussed thoroughly. Objectives Upon completion of the course the student will be able to: · Describe the hardware components of the XBS Central System · Exhibit an understanding of the function and purpose of each Hardware Module in the XBS System · Demonstrate a working knowledge/logical understanding of the XBS Engineering Process · Exhibit a maintenance knowledge of all technical modules of all Excel Controllers · Run the provided Test and Checkout programs to exercise the Excel Controllers · Exhibit knowledge of all wiring terminations from the maintenance point of view · Perform all controller Save/Restore functions · Interpret and use site documentation created by Honeywell or other engineers · Use Test and Checkout tools developed by CITS Topics ·
System Hardware/Software Overview ·
Technical Descriptions of all Excel Controller Modules and their
Functions ·
Point Data Access for Maintenance work ·
Controller Commissioning ·
Bus Communication Problems ·
Excel Controller Problems
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