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CXBX1001 XBS Controller Operation Class Type Basic Operation System XBS Central Duration 3.0 days Class Audience Operators of down-line XBS processors and/or maintenance personnel for the XBS Controllers in XBS Central or XBS-i Central HVAC Systems
Offered At Customer site or St Paul # of Students Minimum 5, Maximum 8 Cost $1259 per person at site, $915 per person St Paul Pre-requisites None Brief The course starts with an extensive block diagram of an XBS System and its extensions and enhancements. Students are encouraged to relate the discussion to their own systems and bring up any points that they may need clarification on. This module of the class is basically a thorough discussion of the entire system and is invaluable to make the students at home with their systems. The course then goes into a discussion of getting started with XI581/XI582 operator units. This section covers connecting the operator units to the controllers, the keyboard, the operator unit display window formats, and accessing XI581/582 information. The next module takes the students through the everyday operations with the operator units. Sample items are sign-on/sign-off, alarm information viewing, XBS point data access, time program reviewing, trend log requests, and viewing controller configuration and time clock.
The next module deals with the full range of capabilities of the XI581/582 operator units. These include entering and modifying all elements of a time program, entering, modifying and deleting switch points, all methods of system point data access, parameters, erasing Flash EPROM, backing up application data in RAM to FLASH EPROM, and restoring application data from FLASH EPROM to RAM.
This module also includes interpretation and analysis of the site database programmed for the site by Honeywell or other engineers. Objectives Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Describe the hardware components of the XBS Central System · Connect an operator unit to any Excel Controller · Work with the operator unit keyboard, the screens and the menus · Perform all daily functions on the operator units such as sign-on/sign-off, viewing alarm information, requesting trend logs and system point data access · Perform all data access functions · Modify all time program elements · Perform all controller Save/Restore functions
Topics · System Block Diagram · System Operator Units · Operator Unit Operating Procedures · Save/Restore Functions