CXBSXLS8       Click for Honeywell Automation Parts



Cxbsxls8    excel life safety system engineering


Class Type            Engineering/Installation


System                   XL5000


Duration                5.0 Full Days


Class Audience    Fire and Security Systems Designers/Engineers and Service/Installation Personnel for Fire Alarm Systems


Offered At             Customer site or St Paul


# of Students        Minimum 4, Maximum 8


Pre-requisites    CITS1004 or CITS5003


Cost                        $2697 per person at customer site, $2334  per person St Paul


Brief                      The class starts with an exhaustive discussion of the system block diagram of the XLS System and its front-end application program, namely the XBS System.


The  class then presents a very effective installation sequence for the system under consideration. This requires a discussion of available enclosures and field and panel wiring. This leads to working with chassis components installation and internal channel and data wiring. This is followed by local rail module installation and wiring required therefore. This leads to system power up and testing. This completes the first part of the class, namely hardware/installation and wiring.


REMARK: This part of the class may be de-emphasized depending upon student knowledge of earlier but similar systems of if the systems are already wired up and running.


Part 2 of the class is concerned with engineering of the XLS system and is quite abstract. Time is spent on the engineering language syntax and programming rules. This is used to create an initial start-up version of an application program. this naturally leads to downloading and testing procedures. This is followed by actual field wire connections and service/trouble shooting issues. This is followed by a final application program download and elaborate testing for proper system operation.


The entire sequence above is supported by actual demonstrations on the part of the instructor and followed by student exercises which are reviewed by the instructor. in addition each student group demonstrates their system/stations' functionality.


Finally the entire sequence is repeated by the students working independently on a new project assignment given by the instructor. A completed fully functioning project is a very satisfying and confidence building experience.

                        The class also addresses installation and other operational issues of the latest and greatest  software revisions.


Objectives             Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

·    Install all Cabinets and Chassis modules

·    Install and verify integrity of all field wiring

·    Install all chassis components and inter-chassis cables

·    Mount all LRMs' on the rails and perform all wiring for them

·    Apply AC power and connect all batteries involved

·    Download the initial start-up version of the CITS-generated application program

·    Connect all field devices including signatures series devices and remove all wiring problems

·    Download the CITS-generated final application program and configure the XBS front-end

·    Verify proper system operation through system test and checkout


·         System Block Diagram

·         Enclosures

·         System Wiring

·         Chassis Components

·         Local Rail Modules

·         Remote Devices including Signature series Devices

·         System Programming using the System Definition Utility (SDU)

·         Application Program Downloading

·         System Test and Checkout


CLASS STATISTICS                                                     Download Class Description