Corporate Information Technology Services Training for Honeywell HVAC Systems
Myrtle Avenue Suite #170 St Paul MN 55114 * Telephone (651) 646-2476 * Fax (651)
CITS Room Requirements for All Classes:
(A). # of Students
8 Maximum
(B). Room Dimensions:
* Comment by Riaz Hussain
1. 20+ x 24+
Room is more than adequate
2. 20 x 24
Room is adequate
3. 18 x 22
Room is barely sufficient §
4. 18- x 22-
Room cannot be used **
Remark: In situation (4) above CITS recommends class
be conducted in a hotel Conference Room. Hotel charges will be added to the
class charges.
(C) . Furniture/Accessories Requirements.
Requirements are based on the diagram below:
1. Tables : 8 x 4 folding or other tables, 8. One table
smaller for instructor and his projector and accessories
2. Chairs: Comfortable
chairs preferably roll type. Student will/may
use same for lab work on tables along the walls
3. Power outlets helpful along the walls but not critical.
Instructor will have enough cables for all power hookups.
4. Screen not required but if walls have construction
objects or if wall is not white or other suitable color a screen may be
required. Instructor does not have a screen
5. A white Board preferred but not required. Flip charts
can be used, at least one required in all cases.
6. Pen, pencils, markers, and paper not required.
Instructor will have these items.
7. For engineering classes students are encouraged to bring
their note books.
8. For Web classes a high speed Internet access will be
required. Instructor will have a suitable router. Instructor will have 4 static
IP addresses available for use in class.
Room Checkout process.
All rooms must be endorsed by CITS before class through a
checkout process on the phone. Please call CITS (651) 646-2476 for Room Checkout
Process initiation and completion. Desireé Jones will help you with the Room
Checkout Process.
Corporate Information Technology Services
Training Services Division.
* Senior Instruction Specialist at CITS
§ Will impair class learning process
** Class learning process cannot be guaranteed
*** Instructor may rearrange the tables but the number of tables required does not change
i These tables will be required for EBI configuration classes only, e.g., EBI500X