Training Configuration for Honeywell Automation Systems.
Thank you for using the CITS Training Configurator
What you need to know before you use the CITS Training Configurator:
You need to know the Honeywell
Automation System that you are looking to find the training Classes for.
Check the
Honeywell Systems, Summaries and Block
Diagrams. If you already know
your Honeywell System click
Proceed to Use the Configurator at the bottom of the page.
The Class Configurator is
quite formal. I do not know how to make it simpler than this. This is
because of the great variety
of systems and their extensions and enhancements that we are dealing with.
You will need to be patient all the way until you get to the class outline that
you are looking for. You can always check the
link to the classes that are used a lot.
If the Configurator does not
get you what you are looking for just call me on my mobile phone (651)442-9044, Riaz Hussain. I will
personally configure the training class for you. I guarantee that you will
be glad that you talked to me. This is specially true if you have special
requirements or need customized training.
If you have some familiarity with Honeywell Automation
Systems then
use this
quick Systems Summary before you invoke the Configurator.
to Use the CITS Honeywell Systems Training Configurator
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