CITS2101DAC	Deltanet Access Control Operation													

Class Type:	Basic Operation								

System:		Graphic Central/XBS-i								

Duration:	2.5 Days									

Class Audience:	Maintenance Personnel Responsible for Operating the Deltanet Access Control Program Module 
		Implemented in the MicroCentral/Graphic Central Application Program for the Downline Access Management 
		Controllers and Card Readers 											

Offered At:	St Paul or customer site							

# of Students:	Minimum 5, Maximum 8							

Cost:		$1172 per person at customer site, $1015 per person St Paul			
Brief:		The course starts with a block diagram of the Honeywell Graphic Central/XBS-i User Interfaces with 
		a Deltanet Access Control Program Module implemented. The place and function of the FS90/FS90 
		Plus Fire Alarm Processors in the relevant User Interface is then explained. The course then discusses 
		the operating procedures for running a Deltanet Access Control System. This includes discussion of all 
		procedures to get started with Deltanet Access Control, Area management, Door management, 
		Elevator management, and all card holder and Card Data Manipulation operations. In addition all 
		report generation procedures are explained and exemplified. Each topic discussed is supported by 
		extensive and detailed Lab Exercise to reinforce and consolidate the learning process.														

Objectives:	Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:							
  		Identify all components of a Graphic Central/XBS-i Higher Order User Interface																	
  		Identify all components of an Access Management Controller Panel												
  		Start/sign on/sign off the Graphic/XBS-i User interface and the DAC Program Module																
 		Perform all Area Management Functions														
  		Perform all Elevator Management Functions																		
  		Perform all Card Related Functions																
  		Perform all Database Management Functions 																										

Topics:		Honeywell User Interface Block Diagrams													
		Access Management Controller Hardware Layout												
		Basics of Graphic Central/XBS-i Operating Procedures											
		Deltanet Access Control Operating Procedures												
		Database Management Procedures

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