CITS2007       Click for Honeywell Automation Parts



CITS2007             Excel Plus Microcentral Advanced Topics Seminar


Class Type            Programming


System                   Microcentral


Duration                4.5 Days


Class Audience    Maintenance/Supervisory Personnel responsible for an Excel Plus System with a PC and Bus Interface


Offered At             Customer Site or St Paul


# of Students        Minimum 4, Maximum 8


Cost                        $2288 per person at site, $1483 per person St Paul


Brief                      The course has no fixed agenda. Students are expected to have questions/problems or procedural items that need clear answers or need to be investigated. 

                        The course does discuss Honeywell Technical Literature Organization. Use of investigative ability and technical language is encouraged.


Objectives             Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

·         Exhibit independent investigative ability

·         Exhibit a knowledge of Honeywell Technical Literature Organization

·         Articulate questions/comments for the Honeywell Rep using technical terminology


·         Honeywell Technical Literature Organization

·         Student initiated questions/problems/projects      

·         Instructor initiated questions/problems/projects


CLASS STATISTICS                                            Download Class Description