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CITS2001             Excel Plus Microcentral System Operation


Class Type            Basic Operation


System                   Microcentral


Duration                4.5 Days


Class Audience    Maintenance Personnel responsible for operating the Excel Plus System with a PC and a Bus Interface


Offered At             Customer site or St Paul


# of Students        Minimum 4, Maximum 8


Cost                        $2288 per person at site, $1483 per person St Paul


Brief                      The course first identifies an Excel Plus Microcentral System using an elaborate block diagram. All operating procedures are then introduced one set at a time with written lab exercises. A significant portion of the class is devoted to generating and understanding the standard reports. The adequacy of these reports for almost all- analytical purposes at site is emphasized. The operating procedures for the W1044 XPOT are also covered to the extent of point data access and scheduling. All data entry functions are also learned and an overview of the Excel Plus R7044 panel programming is presented.


Objectives             Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

·         Identify Excel Plus Microcentral System Hardware including the Peer Bus

·         Identify software/firmware in all components of the Excel Plus Microcentral System

·         Use the W1044 XPOT to perform Point Data Access and Scheduling functions. 

·         Perform all operator functions using the provided data entry templates and the short-cuts

·         Perform/create Microcentral Data View screens/shortcuts using the Keyname Processor            

·         Perform all Microcentral Data Entry functions using the provided templates

·         Perform the critical Microcentral Database Save/Restore functions using the PC Application Packages Program.

·         Use all features of the PC Applications Packages Program except the Optional Programs.


·         Excel Plus Microcentral System Block Diagram

·         Overview of system extensions and enhancements

·         Excel Plus System Software/Firmware

·         Operating Procedures

·         Programming/Data Entry Procedures

·         Overview of Excel Plus Programming

·         Keyname Processor

·         PC Applications Packages

·         System Reports

·         Custom Reports


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