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CITS0911B	Intermediate Pneumatic Systems Training				

Class Type:	Basic Operation							

System:		Mechanical HVAC Systems 						

Duration:	2.5 Days									

Class Audience:	Operators of Mechanical HVAC Systems, Mechanical Systems Maintenance Persons, Electronic 
		Technicians responsible for installing/servicing HVAC Automation Systems								

Offered At:	Customer site or St Paul							

# of Students:	Minimum 4, Maximum 8							

Cost:		$1172 per person at site, $1015 per person St Paul				

Pre-requisites:	CITS0911								

Brief:		The Class starts with an exhaustive overview of a Pneumatic Control System. The class then 
		immediately gets into a confident discussion of sensor-controller systems. This is followed by a 
		comprehensive discussion of all major sensor-controller applications such as discharge air control, 
		humidity, mixed air control and resets. The focus of the class is discussion of popular reset using 
		the RP920 controller. All models of the RP920 are discussed. In fact just about every type of 
		sensor-controller system is discussed including the hardware, the settings, applications, operation, 
		calibration, trouble shooting and maintenance. In particular, information is also provided on the 
		RP908 and other older controllers and control devices. All pneumatic tools such as relays necessary 
		for each application are also discussed. The nature and significance of control modes such as 
		proportional, integral and derivative control modes is also elaborated on.						
		Every training module is supported by in-depth review questions and hands-on lab exercises.							
		A major emphasis of the class is maintenance and repair of mechanical pneumatic systems. The class 
		is quite detailed and busy as it covers a very large set of topics. However, because of CITS exclusive 
		training methodology, the class	moves at a relaxed pace without any stress to the students.			

Objectives:	Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:	
		Analyze a sensor-controller system								
		Evaluate a Pneumatic Control System for efficiency of operation											
		Configure a sensor-controller system for a single input control system 											
		Configure a sensor-controller system for a 2 input control system											
		Test/checkout/calibrate a sensor-controller system					
		Perform all Repair and Replacement functions for a sensor-controller system								

Topics:		Pneumatic Control Systems Overview										
		Specialized Pneumatic Hardware such as switches and relays								
		VAV Control systems														
		Enthalpy Control Systems													
		Fan Systems Control										
		Static Pressure Control									
		Sensor and non-sensor inputs

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