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MechSys1001 Mechanical/Control Systems Maintenance
Class Type Mechanical Systems Maintenance
System HVAC Mechanical Systems
Duration 5.0 Days
Class Audience Operators of Building Automation Systems, Mechanical Systems Maintenance Personnel, Building Maintenance Contractor Personnel, Mechanical Systems Management/Supervisory Personnel and mechanical systems workers in general.
Offered At Customer site or St Paul
# of Students Minimum 5, Maximum 8
Cost $2288 per person at site, $1483 per person St Paul
Brief The purpose of the class is twofold. First, to identify, remove and install common mechanical equipment if and when when necessary. The common mechanical equipment is outlined below: 1. Threaded and non-threaded fasteners 2. gaskets, couplings and seals 3. Lubricants 4. Belt Drives 5. Bearings The Second purpose of the class is to explain common HVAC controls, their types, trouble shooting and maintenance. Detailed objectives are listed under OBJECTIVES below.
Objectives Upon completion of the course the student will be able to: · Identify the types of threaded and non-threaded fasteners and explain their uses. · Install threaded and non-threaded fasteners. · Identify the types of gaskets, packing and seals and explain their uses. · Remove and install gaskets, packing and seals. · Identify the types of lubricants and explain their uses. · Use lubrication equipment to lubricate motor bearings. · Identify the types of belt drives and explain their uses. · Demonstrate and /or explain procedures used to install or adjust a belt drive. · Identify the types of couplings and explain their uses. · Demonstrate and /or explain the procedures used to remove, install and align couplings. · Identify the types of bearings and explain their uses. · Explain causes of bearing failures. · Demonstrate and/or explain procedures used to remove and install bearings. · Explain the function of a thermostat in an HVAC system. · Describe different types of thermostats and explain how they are used. · Demonstrate the correct installation and adjustment of a thermostat using proper sitting and wiring techniques. · Explain the basic principles applicable to all control systems. · Identify the various types of electromechanical, electronic and pneumatic HVAC controls and explain their function and operation. · Perform simulated troubleshooting of a typical HVAC control circuit.
Topics · Threaded and non-threaded fasteners · Gaskets, packings, and seals · Lubricants · Belt drives · Couplings and their uses · Aligning couplings · Bearings · Thermostats and their types · Installation and adjustment of thermostats
· Basic control principles applicable to all systems · Types of electromechanical, electronic and pneumatic HVAC Controls, their types, function and operation · Simulated trouble shooting of a typical HVAC control circuit.