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class logistics

flight & hotel arrangement

All flight arrangements will be the responsibility of the student and his/her Parent Company but the Executive Secretary will provide any assistance if and when necessary. All hotel arrangements are the responsibility of the student and his/her Parent Company  but the Executive secretary will provide assistance if and when necessary.

car rental

Car Rental services will be arranged by the Executive Secretary if and when requested.

student tuition

All fees will need to be paid at the time of registration. Students may pay when they arrive at the Training Office. All tuition matters will need to be resolved the first day of class. Almost all forms of payment are acceptable. Please consult the Registration Document (attached to this Bulletin, appendix A). Please make copies of this document if necessary for more than one registration.

class times & sizes

A typical class will start in right earned at 8:00 AM and end at 4:00 PM. The instructors may in some cases vary these times based on their assessment of the progress of the class. A class ending at a half day will end at 12:00 Noon. The usual morning and afternoon breaks will be provided. The morning coffee and rolls , and the afternoon sodas will be served at appropriate times. For lunch, the neighborhood lunch places will be used. Please consult appendix B for a list of restaurants.

Some engineering classes have extensive material to cover. such classes may run 10 hours a day. This is because the class material is more than can be handled in one 4.5-day period. and yet is not enough to warrant extending the class for a 2-week period. In such cases a student-paid lunch will be catered in. This is designed to save customers and Parent Companies both time and money.


The Executive secretary will handle all emergencies by utilizing the area emergency help services.


A Certificate of completion will be awarded to each student upon Completion of a class. The Certificate of Completion cannot be issued if more than 1/5th of the scheduled class time is missed by the student for any reason. 

No refunds can be issued in this case.

telephone services

Please use the phone in the office of the Executive Secretary. You can use the long distance carrier of your choice.


The Office of the Executive Secretary will handle any questions that you may have. She will also provide a list of all area service organizations and their phone numbers. Please remember the Executive Secretary is your primary contact for help with any of your class needs.