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4CARE5004 Honeywell CARE4.0 Engineering Process
(Excel Link, Open Link, OPS Engineering)
Class Type Engineering
System XBS Central
Duration 5.0 Days
Class Audience Electricians, electronic systems specialists, and maintenance persons responsible for electrical/electronic installation work at customer sites, Honeywell Authorized System Distributor Installation personnel, and Honeywell systems technicians for XBS or other systems and Programmers/analysts familiar with PC Hardware and Application programs, and Windows.
Offered At Customer site or St Paul
# of Students Minimum 5, Maximum 8
Cost $2288 per person at site, $1483 per person St Paul
Pre-requisites CXBS1003,
CXBS3001 Brief The objective of the course is to expose the student to the Excel Link, Open Link and OPS Controller engineering platforms. The goal is to make the student fully conversant with these 3 engineering options. A power usage of these engineering capabilities is the expected outcome of this training schedule. The getting started section shows how to start and exit CARE program, problem Windows and use of on-line help. There are 3 major subjects
Excel Link controller engineering: This topic goes into a complete discussion, illustration, demonstration and test and checkout of an excel link controller such as a Mcel or a W7600 series controller.
Open Link Controller Engineering: This topic goes into a complete discussion, illustration, demonstration and test and checkout of an excel link controller such as a third party open link controller.
OPS Controller Engineering: This topic goes into a complete discussion, illustration, demonstration and test and checkout of an Open Link Point Server. This feature is a successor to the Open Link Controller engineering.
The technique behind each of these 3 engineering platforms is similar. The idea is to map points from the respective controllers to the Honeywell front end such as EBI or XBS. Therefore the procedure basically is this; you build the logical counter part to the physical controller and its points. You match the points in the subsystem with the CARE Logical Controller and its data points. This uses a technique called Automap or manual map as the case may be. Then you complete the controller database and download it to the controller. It then scans its susbsystem controllers and the points. The control lops/application in the downline subsystem controllers are engineered with their own application engineering packages. The above applies to all 3 platforms mutatis mutandis.
Students actually build and test small but complete engineering projects for each of the engineering platforms.
Objectives Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Start the Honeywell CARE Application Program · Sign-on/sign-off from CARE System · Perform all opening and closing functions for all CARE Database Elements such as controllers and plants · Design, program and test an Excel link controller on the c-nap bus · Design, programs and test an open link controller on the c-bus · Design, programs and test an OPS controller on the c-bus · Perform all necessary auto and manual point mappings · Make changes to the Controller data bases to match the subsystem controller databases · Perform all database upload/download functions · Generate all system documentation for the end-user Topics · CARE Start-Up · Basic Navigation through the CARE Screens · Project Management · Special controllers (Excel Link, Open link) creation/management · Special controller database creation/modification · DataPoint editing · Subsystem controller Creation/management · Point Mappings · Technical functions needed to complete controller database creation (such as Xlink mapper and network interface functions) translate/Compile all plants successfully to generate a fully functi9onal application for the end-user · Special controller Translation · Special controller download/upload · Special controller Testing · System Documentation · Project backup